Datum objave: 27.03.2019
Free Tandem Skydive – Sign Up and win crazy experiance
It is 2019 and the Tandem Experts are back with their well-known giveaway where one lucky Facebook follower, no matter which country are you coming from, gets the chance to experience the incredible sensation of a tandem skydive in Croatia for free.
It is super easy to participate and the giveaway will only be open until June 1st, 2019, for all people around the globe so be quick and snatch the chance of a lifetime.
The winner will be given a gift voucher for a free tandem skydive, which can be used independently, or be given as a gift to a loved one.
The jump will be done on one of our permanent locations. But if the location is outside of Zagreb (Lučko Airport), we will organize a transport from Zagreb to take you to the jump site.
To apply and participate, you have to follow these steps:
1. Like and share our post on your Facebook account, so that all
your friends can see. Copy the link http://www.tandem-
experti.com/news-article.php?vijest=79 on to your wall, or just click the
-Share- button on the top of the page.
2. Like our Facebook page on www.facebook.com/tandem.experti
and follow us because we have a lot of great and interesting things coming up.
3. Fill out the registration form which can be found few lines bellow this text.
For the application to be valid, all 3 steps must be met. The winner will
be chosen in the first week of June 2019 and announced on our website in the News section, so do not forget to check to see if that winner is actually YOU.
All the answers to the FAQs can be found in our FAQs about tandem skydiving section, and you can book your tandem skydive on Tandem jump online booking.
Good luck and see you on the jump
Tandem Experti